Giant Welders: Tecnodue’s technology and experience

In the field of industrial welding, giant welders represent a category of machines that require unparalleled skill and experience. Tecnodue, leader in the large diameter welding machine sector, faces these challenges with innovative solutions and an approach that puts experience first.

Logistical and design challenges of giant welding machines

Tecnodue’s giant welders are the result of a process that begins with careful design and extends to delivery to the customer. This journey is full of unique logistical and design challenges, from the need to adapt lifting devices to managing spaces to allow the entry of large vehicles.

Adapt the spaces to the size

The design of a giant welding machine requires a facility that can accommodate its massive size, with tall, wide doors and a location that facilitates extraordinary transportation. Every detail, from weight to transportability, is calculated to ensure that the machine is not only functional but also logistically manageable.

Local suppliers and critical components

Collaboration with local suppliers capable of producing large components, such as the heating plate essential for tube fusion, is essential. Tecnodue, thanks to its forty-year presence in the area, has contributed to forming a production network capable of supporting the creation of these impressive machines.


Revolutionary innovations in the field of giant welding machines

The new plastic pipe welding machine, the largest ever produced by Tecnodue, with a diameter of 3500 mm, represents a turning point in the sector. This machine is not only a welding giant but is also designed to be dismantled and transportable in containers, an absolute novelty in the sector.

Training and support | A promise from Tecnodue

With size comes additional complexities in operating the welder. Tecnodue ensures a complete training program for the assembly, disassembly and storage phases, ensuring that the customer is fully autonomous in using the machine.

Preserve integrity during transport

The sea voyage of giant welders requires special measures to protect the machines from the corrosive environment. Tecnodue employs strategies such as protective wax and vacuum packaging to preserve the quality of its welding machines during transport.


Opting for a giant welding machine from Tecnodue means relying on decades of experience, innovation and quality. Our dedication to design, manufacturing and after-sales support makes us a reliable partner for those seeking large-scale welding solutions.

If you are looking for a solution that combines impressive dimensions with exceptional performance, Tecnodue’s giant welders are your ideal choice. Learn more about how we can support your large diameter welding projects by visiting our website.

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